Andrey Elenskiy

Brute-forcing life since 90s

Serious Raytracer

Interpolated normals, refractions, reflections of depth 10, acceleration data structures, and 16x anti-aliasing. Renders in 30min for 1000x1000px image on MacBook Pro 2011


Interpolated normals, refractions, reflections of depth 10, acceleration data structures, and 16x anti-aliasing. Renders in 30min for 1000x1000px image on MacBook Pro 2011

Project was done with Shiv Sundram for Graphics course (CS184) at UC Berkeley. The raytracer has the following features:


More renderings:

Square tiling material, refraction+reflection of sphere with coefficient of 1.33 with 16x anti-aliasing


Square tiling material, refraction+reflection of sphere with coefficient of 1.33 with 16x anti-aliasing

16x anti-aliasing

Pink SU39 Fighter Jet Because Why Not?

16x anti-aliasing